Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley)

World Heritage
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Wadi Al-Hitan, the Whale Valley in Egypt's Western Desert, contains priceless fossil remains of the earliest, now extinct whale suborder Archaeoceti. These fossils represent one of the main stories of evolution: the evolution of whales from land animals to marine mammals. This is the most important site in the world showing this stage of evolution. It gives a vivid picture of the form and life of these whales during the transition. The number, concentration and quality of such fossils here are unique, and they are easy to find and located in a beautiful and protected environment. The fossils at Al-Hitan show the youngest Archaeoceti, which are in the final stages of losing their hind limbs. Other fossil material at the site allows one to reconstruct the surrounding environment and ecological conditions at the time.


Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) 9

Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) 7

Skeleton of whales like Basilosaurus were discovered

Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) 8

Wadi Al-Hitan showing hills

Whale skeleton in Wadi Al-Hitan

Whales Valley

Wadi Al-Hitan

Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley) 6

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Information extracted from Wikidata

ELSTAT geographical code wadi-al-hitan
office held by head of the organization http://g.co/kg/m/0b2fdl
Commons category Wadi El-Hitan
coordinate location Point(30.043888888 29.270833333)
page banner http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Wadi%20Hitan%20banner%201.jpg
elevation above sea level 151
area 20015
Atlas Obscura identifier wadi-al-hitan
country Egypt
image http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/WadiHitanRock.jpg
located in the administrative territorial entity St. Michael Archangel's Church, Dębno
executive body Wadi El-Hitan

start time 2005-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name وادي الحيتان
official name Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley)
official name Uadi Al Hitan (El Valle de las Ballenas)
official name Wadi Al-Hitan (La vallée des Baleines)
official name ワディ・エル‐ヒータン(クジラの谷)
official name Wadi Al-Hitan (walvisvallei)
official name Вади-аль-Хитан («Долина китов») - местонахождение окаменелостей
official name 鲸鱼峡谷
area 5885
applies to part buffer zone
instance of paleontological site
of Archaeoceti