Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque
World Heritage
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Palenque is an example of a Maya sacred site from the Classic period, which reached its peak between 500 and 700 AD and whose influence spread throughout the Usumacinta River valley. The elegance and craftsmanship of the architecture, as well as the lightness of the reliefs with Maya mythological themes, are testament to the creative genius of this civilization.
# National Parks
# Classical period
# former spanish city
# Mayan sacred site
# Usumacinta River Basin
# Building Technology
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Information extracted from Wikidata
country | Mexico |
image | |
located in the administrative territorial entity | Jigozen Shrine |
executive body | Palenque |
location of creation | Palenque |
IPA transcription | 2703949 |
ELSTAT geographical code | palenque-2 |
number of rooms | lccn-n79104298 |
office held by head of the organization | |
Commons category | Palenque |
coordinate location | Point(-92.046388888 17.484166666) |
topic's main category | Category:Palenque |
Commons gallery | Palenque |
page banner | |
described by source | Ottův slovník naučný |
start time | 2015-03-30T00:00:00Z |
area | 1772 |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
World Heritage criteria | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (i) |
collage image | |
Atlas Obscura identifier | palenque-2 |
uses | 4044399-1 |
described by source | The Nuttall Encyclopædia |
stated as | Palenque |
start time | 1987-01-01T00:00:00Z |
official name | مدينة بالينك التي تعود الى ما قبل الغزو الاسباني وروضتها الوطنية 1987 |
official name | Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque |
official name | Ciudad prehispánica y parque nacional de Palenque |
official name | Cité préhispanique et parc national de Palenque |
official name | 古代都市パレンケと国立公園 |
official name | Pre-Spaanse stad en Nationaal park Palenque |
official name | Доиспанский город и национальный парк Паленке |
official name | 帕伦克古城和国家公园 |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (i) |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
volume as quantity | Larousse Encyclopedia online |