Chaco Culture

World Heritage
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For more than 2,000 years, the Pueblo people have inhabited a large area of the southwestern United States. Chaco Canyon was the main center of the Ancestral Pueblo culture from 850 to 1250 AD and the center of ceremonial, trade, and political activity in the prehistoric Four Corners region. Chaco is known for its magnificent public and ceremonial buildings and unique architecture—it features an ancient urban ceremonial center unlike anything built before or since. In addition to Chaco Culture National Historical Park, the World Heritage Site includes Aztec Ruins National Monument and several smaller Chaco sites managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

  Anasazi sites in the Southwest

Aerial view of Pueblo Bonito

Major Chacoan sites within park margins

Around 200,000 pieces of turquoise have been excavated from the ruins at Chaco Canyon. These turquoi...

Chaco Prehistoric Stairway, Chaco National Cultural Historic Park, NM

Anasazi sites in the Southwest

Great kiva of Chetro Ketl

Chaco Canyon Ancestral Puebloan lapidary tool kit, NPS

Pueblo Bonito, largest of the great houses, abuts the foot of Chaco Canyon's northern rim

A ceramic bowl excavated from Pueblo Alto, dating from AD 1030 to 1200

Summer thunderstorms over Fajada Butte and the Fajada Gap, near the southwestern rim of Chaco Canyon...

Aerial park overview

Prehistoric roads and great houses in the San Juan Basin, superimposed on a map showing modern roads...

Hungo Pavi, near the center of Chaco Canyon. A staircase leads out of the complex

NPS site maps of the major ruins of Chaco Canyon

Interior of Wijiji, an outlier site occupied between AD 1100 and 1150

Fajada Butte, Chaco averages three or four snowstorms a winter

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Information extracted from Wikidata

heritage designation Kingdom of Zimbabwe
native label Chaco Culture National Historical Park
elevation above sea level 6644
area 137.5
Park Alpha Code CHCU
Wolfram Language entity code Entity["Park", "ChacoCultureNationalHistoricalPark::8p724"]
Atlas Obscura identifier chaco-culture-national-historical-park
uses 7564221-9
operator National Park Service
ISNI 0000 0004 0473 9814
executive body Chaco Culture National Historical Park
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10046195
volume as quantity chaco-culture-national-historical-park
fiscal/tax revenue CHCU
Wolfram Language entity code Entity["Park", "ChacoCultureNationalHistoricalPark::8p724"]
ELSTAT geographical code chaco-culture-national-historical-park
number of rooms lccn-n2009019012
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Chaco Culture National Historical Park
has part Kin Ya'a
has part Chaco Culture National Historical Park - Contiguous unit
inception 1980-12-19T00:00:00Z
coordinate location Point(-107.97 36.06)
NRHP reference number 66000895
topic's main category Category:Chaco Culture National Historical Park
page banner
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10046195
start time 2013-01-01T00:00:00Z

heritage designation National Register of Historic Places listed place
start time 1966-10-15T00:00:00Z
criterion used Porto
criterion used C
criterion used D
named as Chaco Culture National Historical Park
subject has role Harz District
start time 1907-03-11T00:00:00Z
end time 1980-12-19T00:00:00Z
instance of National Historical Park
start time 1980-12-19T00:00:00Z
official website
language of work or name English
heritage designation Category:Views of Pienza
part of Chaco Culture World Heritage Site
start time 1987-01-01T00:00:00Z