Xiamen dialect storytelling
Xiamen dialect storytelling is storytelling in the Minnan dialect (Xiamen dialect). It uses the unique rhythm, proverbs, colloquialisms, anecdotes, and ballads of the rich vocabulary of the Minnan dialect to talk about the past and the present in a lively and interesting way, allowing the audience to understand the historical knowledge, customs, and values of Minnan in a subtle way. In 2007, Xiamen dialect storytelling was included in the list of representative items of provincial intangible cultural heritage of Fujian Province, and in 2008 it was included in the list of representative items of national intangible cultural heritage. Storytellers are commonly known as "storytellers". They generally have a certain level of education. In the past, most of them were children of declining aristocratic families or unemployed intellectuals. When telling stories, they sit on a special high chair that is higher than the audience. Some of them also set up a platform in front of the high chair, and occasionally they can go down to the platform to dance and perform; some first build a small platform, and then place a table and a chair on it, with books or folding fans and teapots on the table. "Storytellers" can sometimes go down to the platform to dance and perform. Xiamen dialect storytelling is an important part of the culture of southern Fujian. "Storytelling" is the most distinctive dialect oral literature, which is widely popular in southern Fujian, Taiwan and overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asian countries. It has a strong local flavor of southern Fujian and is very popular among the people. (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.) (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.)