Chongming dialect

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Chongming dialect is a dialectal language that is circulated among the people in Chongming dialect. Chongming dialect belongs to the Wu dialect family. Since Chongming Island is surrounded by water, transportation is inconvenient, and there is little external communication, Chongming dialect is relatively unaffected by external dialects. Therefore, it is a relatively stable, relatively ancient, and very distinctive dialect in the northern border area of Wu dialect. Most of Chongming dialects are created by the people and passed down orally. They are rich in content, vivid in image, humorous, and contain various aspects of the lives of our ancestors in different eras. Because regional things and words are often introduced, Chongming dialect has a strong dialect color and local characteristics. For thousands of years, Chongming people have accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with people, production and life, and changes in natural laws in production and life. In order to pass these valuable experiences from generation to generation, many catchy and easy-to-recite dialects have gradually formed. Some of these proverbs are only understood by Chongming people. Double-sentence proverbs all rhyme in Chongming dialect. Most of the proverbs about farming seasons and weather are only suitable for Chongming and nearby areas. Some other proverbs reflect Chongming's customs and specialties. Chongming's colloquial language is concise, lively, humorous and thought-provoking. It fully reflects the wisdom of Chongming people, plays an important role in Chongming's production and life, and has been passed down to the present. (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.) (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.)

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