Petroglyphs within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly

World Heritage
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Around the lush Tamgaly Gorge, in the vast and arid Chuli Mountains, are clustered some 5,000 petroglyphs (rock engravings) dating from the second half of the second millennium BC to the early 20th century. Distributed in 48 complexes with associated settlements and cemeteries, these petroglyphs bear witness to pastoralism, social organization and rituals of nomadic peoples. Human settlements at the site are often multi-layered, indicating occupation through the ages. Numerous tombs have also been found, including stone walls with chests and sarcophagi (Middle and Late Bronze Age) and stone and earth mounds (gurgans) (Early Iron Age to present day). The central gorge contains the densest concentration of engravings and what are believed to be altars, suggesting that these sites were used for rituals.

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