The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand

World Heritage
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The cultural landscape is located approximately 30 km northeast of Copenhagen and includes the hunting forests of Store Dyrehave and Gribskov and the Jægersborg Hegn/Jægersborg Dyrehave hunting park. It is a carefully designed landscape where the Danish kings and their courts practiced compulsory hunting or hunting with hounds, which reached its peak in the late 17th and 18th centuries when absolute monarchs turned it into a power landscape. With hunting paths laid out in a star pattern, combined with an orthogonal grid pattern, numbered stone pillars, fences and hunting lodges, the site demonstrates the application of Baroque landscape design principles to a forested area.

The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand 6

Detail from old map showing the par force hunt road network in Gribskov with two eight-way junctions...

The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand 7

King Christian VII on a par force hunt

The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand 5

The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand 9

Par force hunting in North Zealand c. 1750, watercolour by Johan Jacob Bruun

The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand 8

Deer at the Hermitage Lodge in Jægersborg Dyrehave

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Information extracted from Wikidata

country Denmark
instance of architectural ensemble
executive body Par force hunting landscape in North Zealand
Commons category Par force hunting landscape in North Zealand
has part Feteira
has part Store Dyrehave
has part Jægersborg Dyrehave
coordinate location Point(12.3578 55.9136)
start time 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z
area 4543
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)

area 1612.7
applies to part buffer zone