Takht-e Soleyman
World Heritage
Islamic Republic of Iran
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The archaeological site of Takht-süleymaniye is located in a volcanic mountain valley in northwestern Iran. The site includes a major Zoroastrian sanctuary partially rebuilt during the Ilkhanate (Mongol) period (13th century) and a temple dedicated to Anahita from the Sassanid period (6th and 7th centuries). The site has great symbolic significance. The design of the fire temple, palace and general layout had a major influence on the development of Islamic architecture.
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/Takht-e Soleyman 7.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/Takht-e Soleyman 8.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/Takht-e Soleyman 3.jpg)
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![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/Takht-e Soleyman 4.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/The crater at Takht-e Soleymān.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Takht-e Soleyman/Takht-e Soleyman 5.jpg)
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Information extracted from Wikidata
country | Camarmilla River |
image | http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Takhte%20Soleyman%20%285%29.jpg |
instance of | Monument aux morts d'Auchel |
applies to part | Santo Domingo Province |
made from material | Guadamur |
made from material | Category:Castle in Malbork |
executive body | Takht-e Soleyman |
office held by head of the organization | http://g.co/kg/m/042997 |
Commons category | Takht-e Soleyman |
has part | Takht-e Soleyman Lake |
coordinate location | Point(47.234166666 36.604722222) |
topic's main category | Category:Takht-e Soleyman |
Iranian National Heritage registration number | 308 |
start time | 1937-12-20T00:00:00Z |
date of official opening | 0900-01-01T00:00:00Z |
date of official opening | -0500-01-01T00:00:00Z |
native label | تخت سلیمان |
elevation above sea level | 2200 |
area | 10 |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (i) |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
World Heritage criteria | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
directions | ۴۵ کیلومتری شمال شرقی تکاب، روستای نصرت آباد بخش تخت سلیمان |
architectural style | Sasanian architecture |
applies to part | Category:Interior of Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens |
applies to part | defensive wall |
applies to part | fire temple |
applies to part | Category:Interior of Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens |
applies to part | reconstruction |
start time | 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z |
official name | تخت سليمان |
official name | Takht-e Soleyman |
official name | Takht-e Sulaiman |
official name | Takht-e Sulaiman |
official name | タハテ・スレマーン |
official name | Takht-e Soleyman |
official name | Древний город Техте-Солейман |
official name | 塔赫特苏莱曼 |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (i) |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
volume as quantity | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |
date of official opening | 0600-01-01T00:00:00Z |
applies to part | defensive wall |
date of official opening | 0500-01-01T00:00:00Z |
applies to part | north |
applies to part | Monument aux morts d'Auchel |
applies to part | entrance |
date of official opening | 0300-01-01T00:00:00Z |
applies to part | Santo Domingo Province |
date of official opening | 1300-01-01T00:00:00Z |
applies to part | Category:Interior of Cathédrale Notre-Dame d'Amiens |
applies to part | reconstruction |
area | 7438 |
applies to part | buffer zone |