Stećci Medieval Tombstone Graveyards

World Heritage
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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This collection of 28 sites, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, western Serbia, western Montenegro and central and southern Croatia, represents cemeteries and local medieval tombstones, known as stećci. The cemeteries date from the 12th to the 16th centuries AD and are arranged in rows, a common custom in medieval Europe. The stećci are mostly carved from limestone. They feature a variety of decorative motifs and inscriptions, representing both continuity with medieval European iconography and a unique local tradition.

The inscription on stećak of Grdeša from the 12th century, considered the oldest one found[26]

A slab stećak at Cista Velika

Two stećci with motifs of kolo

Stećak in front of the Ethnographic Museum, Belgrade

The sacral motif of deer is considered to be of Paleo-Balkan and pre-Christian origin

Locations of the UNESCO World Heritage sites 'Stećci Medieval Tombstones Graveyards')

Locations of the UNESCO World Heritage sites 'Stećci Medieval Tombstones Graveyards')

Broken stećak depicted by Hugo Charlemont, 1901. This appears to the same stećak which is now exhibi...

Stećak in Radimlja necropolis

Radimlja necropolis, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The crescent moon and star(s) are a very common motif on the stećak tombstones

Stećci at Radimlja necropolis

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topic's main category Category:Stećci
Commons gallery Stećci
page banner
country Bosnia and Herzegovina
country Croatia
executive body Stećci
location of creation Stećci
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Stećci