New Lanark

World Heritage
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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New Lanark is an 18th-century village in beautiful Scotland where philanthropist and utopian idealist Robert Owen created a model industrial community in the early 19th century. The magnificent cotton mill buildings, spacious and well-designed workers' housing, and stately educational institutions and schools still bear witness to Owen's humanism.

Rosedale Street with Long Row to left, Double Row to near right and Wee Row to middle right

New Lanark 6

New Lanark 9

The Scottish Wildlife Trust visitor centre for the Falls of Clyde nature reserve

New Lanark 4

New Lanark 8

Dereliction in New Lanark in 1983

New Lanark 3

New Lanark 7

New Lanark 5

Robert Owen's house

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Information extracted from Wikidata

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start time 2001-01-01T00:00:00Z
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (vi)
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
named as New Lanark
executive body New Lanark
replaces 4000000074546366
number of rooms lccn-n85312408
office held by head of the organization
connecting line
Commons category New Lanark
located in time zone UTC±00:00
coordinate location Point(-3.78 55.66)

TOID 4000000074546366
located in the administrative territorial entity Lanark
object has role Scottish civil parish
located in the administrative territorial entity South Lanarkshire
object has role Jefferson County