Los Alerces National Park is located in the Andes Mountains in northern Patagonia, with its western border coinciding with the Chilean border. Successive glaciations have shaped the landscape of the area, creating spectacular features such as moraines, glacial cirques and clearwater lakes. Vegetation is dominated by dense temperate forests and high up in the Andes with alpine meadows. Its most distinctive and iconic landscape is the Alerces Forest; the globally endangered Alerces tree is the second oldest tree species in the world (over 3,600 years old). The Alerces Forest is well preserved on the property. The property is vital for the conservation of the last remaining almost pristine forests in Patagonia and is home to many endemic and endangered species of plants and animals.
Wolfram Language entity code |
Entity["Park", "LosAlercesNationalPark::k8n49"] |
number of rooms |
viaf-249431114 |
office held by head of the organization |
http://g.co/kg/m/0741q6 |
Commons category |
Los Alerces National Park |
inception |
1937-01-01T00:00:00Z |
coordinate location |
Point(-71.89888889 -42.8075) |
start time |
2017-07-07T00:00:00Z |
official website |
https://www.parquesnacionales.gob.ar/areas-protegidas/region-patagonia/pn-los-alerces/ |
page banner |
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Parque%20Nacional%20Los%20Alerces%20Banner.jpg |
elevation above sea level |
827 |
area |
188379 |
World Heritage criteria |
World Heritage selection criterion (x) |
Wolfram Language entity code |
Entity["Park", "LosAlercesNationalPark::k8n49"] |
uses |
7556430-0 |
image |
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Cerro%20y%20glaciar%20Torrecillas%20-%20Lago%20Men%C3%A9ndez%20-%20Parque%20Nacional%20Los%20Alerces%20-%20Chubut%20-%20Argentina%20-%20panoramio.jpg |
executive body |
Los Alerces National Park |