Chavin (Archaeological Site)

World Heritage
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The Chavín archaeological site is named after a culture that developed between 1500 and 300 BC in the high valleys of the Peruvian Andes. This former place of worship is one of the earliest and most famous pre-Columbian sites. Its appearance is striking, with a complex of terraces and plazas surrounded by dressed stone buildings, mainly decorated in zoomorphic shapes.

The Lanzón Stela at Chavín, still image from a video of a photo-textured point cloud using laser sca...

Overview of Chavín de Huantar

El Castillo, part of the Chavín de Huantar ruins

Chavin (Archaeological Site) 10

The Circular Plaza at Chavín in 2005

Chavin (Archaeological Site) 9

The area of the Chavín and site of Chavín de Huántar

Chavin (Archaeological Site) 8

Chavin (Archaeological Site) 7

Detail of the stone engraving known as the Raimondi Stela, probably from the site of Chavin de Huant...

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Information extracted from Wikidata

uses 4229712-6
country Peru
located in the administrative territorial entity Huari Province
located in the administrative territorial entity Kassala
executive body Chavín de Huántar (archaeological site)
location of creation Chavín de Huántar
topographic prominence 11528
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Chavín de Huántar (archaeological site)
coordinate location Point(-77.178452777 -9.592775)
topic's main category Ontario
Commons gallery Chavín de Huántar
page banner
different from Saint Parascheva Church
area 14.79

media legend Temple Nou
start time 1985-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name موقع شافين الأثري
official name Chavin (Archaeological Site)
official name Sitio arqueológico de Chavín
official name Site archéologique de Chavin
official name チャビン(古代遺跡)
official name Archeologisch gebied van Chavín
official name Археологические памятники центра древней индейской культуры Чавин-де-Уантар
official name 夏文考古遗址