Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site

World Heritage
Marshall Islands
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After the Second World War, the United States decided to resume nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, a move that was closely linked to the beginning of the Cold War. The local population was forcibly displaced, and from 1946 to 1958, the United States conducted 67 nuclear tests, including the explosion of the first hydrogen bomb (1952). Bikini Atoll preserves direct tangible evidence that is important in conveying the power of nuclear tests, namely the shipwrecks that sank to the bottom of the lagoon during the 1946 tests and the huge Bravo Crater. These tests, with a power equivalent to 7,000 times that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, had a significant impact on the geology and natural environment of Bikini Atoll and on the health of those exposed to radiation. Although the atoll gives a paradoxical impression of peace and paradise on earth, historically it symbolizes the advent of the nuclear age. This is the first site in the Marshall Islands to be inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Kili Island is one of the smallest islands in the Marshall Islands

7 March 1946, 161 residents of Bikini Island board LST 1108 as they depart from Bikini Atoll

The Wilson cloud from test Baker, situated just offshore from Bikini Island at top of the picture

Bikini islanders arrive on Rongerik Atoll and unload pandanus for thatching the roofs of their new b...

Location of Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean

Vegetation on Bikini Atoll

American bunker located in the island

A woman named Liijabor from Likiep Island, Likiep Atoll in the Marshall Islands, wears a traditional...

Bikini Atoll Shipwrecks Map

Map of Bikini Atoll, taken from the 1893 map Schutzgebiet der Marshall Inseln, published in 1897

Location of Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean

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Information extracted from Wikidata

Commons category Bikini Atoll
coordinate location Point(165.383333333 11.583333333)
FIPS 6-4 (US counties) 68070
topic's main category Category:Bikini Atoll
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10037080
native label Bikini
elevation above sea level 25
area 6
area 73500
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (vi)
Atlas Obscura identifier bikini-atoll
uses 4006564-9
instance of atoll
flag image
twinned administrative body Keelung
locator map image
executive body Bikini Atoll
U.S. National Archives Identifier 10037080
IPA transcription 1866005
ELSTAT geographical code bikini-atoll
number of rooms viaf-315126982
topographic prominence 7598
office held by head of the organization

population 13
point in time 1999-01-01T00:00:00Z
population 9
point in time 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z
start time 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name أتول بيكيني، موقع تجارب نووية
official name Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site
official name Atolón de Bikini
official name Site d’essais nucléaires de l’atoll de Bikini
official name ビキニ環礁核実験場
official name Nucleair testcentrum Bikini atol
official name Атолл Бикини
official name 比基尼环礁核试验地
area 130425
applies to part buffer zone
language of work or name English
named as Bikini Atoll