Ancient City of Qalhat

World Heritage
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Located on the east coast of the Sultanate of Oman, the site includes the ancient city of Qalhat, surrounded by inner and outer walls, and the cemeteries outside the walls. The city developed into a major port on the east coast of Arabia during the reign of Prince Hormuz from the 11th to the 15th century AD. The ancient city provides unique archaeological evidence of trade links between the east coast of Arabia, East Africa, India, China and Southeast Asia.

Ancient City of Qalhat 7

Ancient City of Qalhat 3

Ancient City of Qalhat 8

Ancient City of Qalhat 9

Bibi Maryam mausoleum

Ancient City of Qalhat 4

Ancient City of Qalhat 5

Ancient City of Qalhat 10

Ancient City of Qalhat 6

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Information extracted from Wikidata

located in the administrative territorial entity Sur
executive body Qalhat
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Qalhat
coordinate location Point(59.369896 22.699996)
page banner
area 75.82
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
directions 20 km a nord di Sur

start time 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name مدينة قلهات التاريخية
official name Ancient City of Qalhat
official name Ciudadela antigua de Qalhât
official name Cité ancienne de Qalhât
official name Древний город Калхат
official name 卡尔哈特古城
volume as quantity World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
area 170.09
applies to part buffer zone