Abbey of St Gall
World Heritage
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The Abbey of St. Gall is a perfect example of a Carolingian monastery and was one of the most important monasteries in Europe from the 8th century until its secularization in 1805. The library of the abbey is one of the richest and oldest in the world, containing precious manuscripts such as the earliest known architectural plans on parchment. The abbey area was rebuilt in the Baroque style between 1755 and 1768. The cathedral and library are the main features of this extraordinary complex, reflecting 12 centuries of continuous activity.
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Information extracted from Wikidata
diocese | Prehistoric Caves of Yagul and Mitla in the Central Valley of Oaxaca |
official website | |
section, verse, paragraph, or clause | Abbey of St. Gall |
heritage designation | Fort Batenstein |
native label | Fürstabtei Sankt Gallen |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
World Heritage criteria | Larousse Encyclopedia online |
street address | Klosterhof 1–8, 9000 St. Gallen |
BHCL UUID | 52557930-2a0d-4dd9-8d2a-8af1b92a4437 |
uses | 4131449-9 |
country | Switzerland |
image | |
coat of arms image | |
located in the administrative territorial entity | St. Gallen |
ISNI | 0000 0001 2110 3496 |
executive body | Fürstabtei St. Gallen |
locator map image | 008394 |
IPA transcription | 3532117 |
visitors per year | 06347a |
number of rooms | lccn-n80144986 |
office held by head of the organization | |
Commons category | Fürstabtei St. Gallen |
PCP reference number | 8312 |
inception | 1207-01-01T00:00:00Z |
inception | 0719-01-01T00:00:00Z |
dissolved, abolished or demolished date | 1798-01-01T00:00:00Z |
coordinate location | Point(9.377222222 47.423055555) |
start time | 1983-01-01T00:00:00Z |
official name | دير سانت غال |
official name | Abbey of St Gall |
official name | Abadía de Saint Gall |
official name | Abbaye de St-Gall |
official name | ザンクト・ガレンの修道院 |
official name | Klooster van Sankt Gallen |
official name | Монастырь Св. Галла (город Санкт-Галлен) |
official name | 圣加尔修道院 |