Tiberias Palace
World Heritage
Burkina Faso
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<p>The Tiébélé Palace is a complex of earthen buildings built since the 16th century that embodies the social organization and cultural values of the Kasena people. The palace is surrounded by a protective wall, with walls and corridors that divide the inner complex into different areas and lead to ceremonial and gathering places outside the wall. The palace was built by the men of the palace, and then painted with symbolic elements by the women members of the palace. Women are the only keepers of the relevant knowledge and they ensure the continuation of this tradition. </p>
# 16th century
# Cultural Values
# Social Organizations
# Earthen buildings
# Kasena
# Protective wall
Poem of the heritage generated by AI
Intangible culture related to the heritage
China tourist attractions related to the heritage
World heritage related to the heritage
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