Saloum Delta

World Heritage
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Fishing and shellfish gathering provide livelihoods for people across 5,000 square kilometres of land formed by three rivers. The site includes brackish waterways, more than 200 islands and islets, mangroves, Atlantic marine environments and dry forests.

Saloum Delta 3

Saloum Delta 2

Saloum Delta

Saloum Delta 5

Saloum Delta 8

Saloum Delta 7

Saloum Delta 9

Saloum Delta 6

Saloum Delta 4

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Information extracted from Wikidata

uses 4370262-4
uses 4757957-2
country Senegal
executive body Saloum delta National Park
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Saloum delta National Park
inception 1976-01-01T00:00:00Z
coordinate location Point(-16.6333 13.75)
heritage designation Ramsar site
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve URL
object has role Eliza Fraser