Laurisilva of Madeira

World Heritage
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The Madeira Laurel Forest is an outstanding remnant of a formerly widespread laurel forest. It is the largest laurel forest in existence and is believed to be 90% original forest. It hosts a unique suite of flora and fauna, including many endemic species, such as the Madeira Long-toed Pigeon.

Laurisilva of Madeira

Laurisilva of Madeira 5

Distribution of Nothofagus, a plant genus that typifies Gondwanan distribution, having descended fro...

Laurisilva of Madeira 8

Laurisilva of Madeira 6

Laurisilva of Madeira 9

Old roads and passages between villages and other places in Madeira Island surrounded by prehistoric...

Laurel rain forest in La Gomera, Spain

Laurisilva of Madeira 7

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uses 4349975-2
executive body Laurisilva
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Laurisilva