Lake Baikal

World Heritage
Russian Federation
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Lake Baikal, located in southeastern Siberia, covers an area of 3.15 million hectares and is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1,700 meters) lake in the world. It contains 20% of the world's total unfrozen freshwater reserves. Known as the "Galapagos Islands of Russia", its long history and isolation have created one of the richest and most unusual freshwater faunas in the world, of extraordinary value to evolutionary science.

Two species of grayling (Thymallus baikalensis and T. brevipinnis) are found only in Baikal and rive...

Frozen lake Baikal near Olkhon Island

Ice cover survey on the lake

Museum specimen of the branching sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis (living are brighter green)

Satellite photo of Baikal, 2001

The omul (Coregonus migratorius) is endemic to Lake Baikal, and is a source of income to locals

A 'giant' Brachyuropus reicherti (Acanthogammaridae) amphipod caught during ice fishing in the lake....

Lake Baikal's water is especially clear

A digital elevation model of Lake Baikal region

The Baikal seal is endemic to Lake Baikal

Mongolian gulls on Baikal

The Yenisey basin, which includes Lake Baikal

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Information extracted from Wikidata

tributary Snezhnaya River
tributary Hajdučki i Rožanski kukovi
tributary Bugul'deyka
tributary Emblem of Sudan
tributary citadel
tributary Way of Saint James
tributary Sunni Islam
tributary Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
tributary Category:Views of Siena
tributary Nalimovka
tributary Fraser Coast Region
tributary Manturikha
tributary Anga
tributary Portuguese
indigenous to 560000
tributary Manturikha
tributary Bugul'deyka
tributary Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State
tributary Sunni Islam
described by source Edinburgh to Aberdeen Line
statement is subject of EB-9 / Baikal
start time 1996-01-01T00:00:00Z
elevation above sea level -1186.5
elevation above sea level 455.5
area 31722
watershed area 560000
volume as quantity 23615.39
perimeter 2125
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (x)
vertical depth 1642
named as Lake Baikal
drainage basin Yenisei basin
male population 1333665
IPA transcription 3866681
industry Baikalsee
number of rooms viaf-19145424503386830540
geoshape LakeBaykal
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Lake Baikal
coordinate location Point(108.00472222 53.30277778)
has cause rift lake
State Water Register Code (Russia) 16010100111116200000013
Commons gallery Озеро Байкал
page banner
tributary Nalimovka
tributary Emblem of Sudan
tributary Anga
tributary citadel
tributary Fraser Coast Region
tributary Portuguese
tributary Category:Views of Siena
tributary Hajdučki i Rožanski kukovi
tributary Snezhnaya River
tributary Way of Saint James
uses 4080244-9
country Russia
instance of lake
located in the administrative territorial entity Irkutsk Oblast
inflows Snezhnaya River
inflows Emblem of Sudan
lake outflow Angara River
basin country Russia
executive body Lake Baikal
location of creation Озеро Байкал

described by source Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition
statement is subject of EB-11 / Baikal
described by source The Nuttall Encyclopædia
stated as Baikal
length 636
applies to part maximum
width 79
applies to part maximum
date of birth
mapping relation type exact match
locator map image
media legend Карта Байкалу