Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč

World Heritage
Czech Republic
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The Jewish Quarter, the Old Jewish Cemetery and the Basilica of St. Procopius in Třebíć bear witness to the coexistence of Jewish and Christian cultures from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The Jewish Quarter is an outstanding testimony to all aspects of the life of this community. The Basilica of St. Procopius, built in the early 13th century as part of a Benedictine monastery, is an outstanding example of the influence of Western European architectural heritage on the region.

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Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč9

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Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč6

Jewish Quarter of Třebíč with St. Procopius Basilica in the background

Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč7

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Information extracted from Wikidata

instance of architectural ensemble
office held by head of the organization
has part St. Procopius Basilica in Třebíč
coordinate location Point(15.8789 49.2172)
area 6.55
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)

start time 2003-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name Joodse wijk en Basiliek van Sint Procopius in Třebíč
official name الحيّ اليهودي وبازيليك القديس بروكوبيوس في تريبيتش
official name Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in Třebíč
official name Barrio judío y basílica de San Procopio de Třebíč
official name Le quartier juif et la basilique Saint-Procope de Třebíč
official name トジェビーチのユダヤ人街とプロコピウス聖堂
official name Еврейский район и базилика Св. Прокопа в городе Тршебич
official name 特热比奇犹太社区及圣普罗科皮乌斯大教堂
area 136.89
applies to part buffer zone