Citadel of the Ho Dynasty

World Heritage
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This 14th-century Ho Dynasty citadel was built according to Feng Shui principles, bearing witness to the rise of Neo-Confucianism in Vietnam at the end of the 14th century and its spread to the rest of East Asia. In accordance with these principles, the citadel is situated in a scenic landscape, on a plain between the Ma and Bui rivers, linking the Tuong Son and Don Son mountains. The citadel architecture is an outstanding example of a new style imperial city in Southeast Asia.

North gate

A stone cannonball found in Tây Đô castle

East gate

South gate

King's Well

Citadel of the Ho Dynasty 8

The South (fore) gate of Tay Do castle

General view

Citadel of the Ho Dynasty 9

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Information extracted from Wikidata

topic's main category Scuol-Tarasp railway station
Commons gallery Citadel of Ho Dynasty
native label Thành nhà Hồ
area 155.5
World Heritage criteria Larousse Encyclopedia online
World Heritage criteria World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
executive body Tây Đô
location of creation Citadel of Ho Dynasty
office held by head of the organization
Commons category Tây Đô
coordinate location Point(105.604722222 20.078055555)

start time 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z
official name قلعة سلالة هو
official name Citadel of the Ho Dynasty
official name Ciudadela de la dinastía Ho
official name Citadelle de la dynastie Hô
official name ホー王朝の城塞
official name Citadel van de Ho-dynastie
official name Цитадель династии Хо
official name 胡朝时期的城堡
volume as quantity World Heritage selection criterion (ii)
volume as quantity Larousse Encyclopedia online
area 5078.5
applies to part buffer zone