Central Sikhote-Alin

World Heritage
Russian Federation
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The Sikhote-Alin Mountains contain one of the richest and most unusual temperate forests in the world. In this mixed zone of taiga and subtropical, southern species such as tigers and Himalayan bears coexist with northern species such as brown bears and lynx. After expansion in 2018, the property includes the Bikin River Valley, about 100 km north of the existing site. It includes the South Okhotsk dark taiga and East Asian coniferous broadleaf forests. The fauna includes taiga species and South Manchurian species. These include notable mammals such as the Amur tiger, Siberian musk deer, wolverine and sable.

Central Sikhote-Alin 7

Central Sikhote-Alin 10

Central Sikhote-Alin 6

Central Sikhote-Alin 4

Central Sikhote-Alin 9

Central Sikhote-Alin 5

Central Sikhote-Alin 2

Central Sikhote-Alin 8

Central Sikhote-Alin 3

Sikhote-Alin is the home to Amur tigers, which are amongst the largest felines in the world[1]

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Information extracted from Wikidata

uses 4124193-9
country Russia
image http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Sopka%20in%20south%20Sikhote-Alin.JPG
executive body Sikhote-Alin
IPA transcription 3667054
office held by head of the organization http://g.co/kg/m/06bmd6
Commons category Sikhote-Alin
highest point Tordoki Yani
coordinate location Point(136.167 45.333)
page banner http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/WV%20banner%20Mt%20Sakharnaya.jpg
length 1350
elevation above sea level 2090
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve URL http://www.unesco.org/mabdb/br/brdir/directory/biores.asp?code=RUS+03&mode=all