Archaeological Site of Cyrene
World Heritage
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Cyrene was a Greek colony on the island of Thera and one of the major cities of the Greek world. It was Romanized and was a great capital until an earthquake in 365. Its ruins, which record a thousand years of history, have been famous since the 18th century.
# Archaeological sites
# Romanization
# Greek colonies
# 365 Earthquakes
# ruins
# Thousands of years of history
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The ruins of Cyrene.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The Temple of Zeus.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The Tomb of Battus.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/Apollo Kitharoidos from Cyrene. Roman statue from the second century AD now in the British Museum.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The Temple of Apollo.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/Marble bust of Emperor Antoninus Pius. 138–161 AD. From the house of Jason Magnus at Cyrene, modern-.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The Temple of Zeus, Cyrene.jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/The Cyrene bronze head in the British Museum (300 BC).jpg)
![](/static/image/heritage_image/Archaeological Site of Cyrene/Magas as king of Cyrene, circa 282,75 to 261 BC.jpg)
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Information extracted from Wikidata
topic's main category | Category:Cyrene |
Commons gallery | Cyrene |
described by source | Amsterdam |
category of associated people | Category:Deaths in Hallstatt |
area | 131.675 |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |
World Heritage criteria | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
image | |
image | |
image | |
image | |
executive body | Cyrene |
location of creation | Cyrene |
KulturNav-ID | 2454 |
IPA transcription | 2066465 |
visitors per year | 04591b |
floruit | Cirène+(Libia) |
topographic prominence | 11928 |
office held by head of the organization | |
Commons category | Cyrene |
inception | -0629-01-01T00:00:00Z |
coordinate location | Point(21.85 32.816666666) |
start time | 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z |
described by source | The Nuttall Encyclopædia |
stated as | Cyre`ne |
start time | 1982-01-01T00:00:00Z |
official name | موقع شحات (قورينة) الأثري |
official name | Archaeological Site of Cyrene |
official name | Sitio arqueológico de Cirene |
official name | Site archéologique de Cyrène |
official name | クーリナの古代遺跡 |
official name | Archeologische stad Cyrene |
official name | Археологические памятники Кирены |
official name | 昔兰尼考古遗址 |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (ii) |
volume as quantity | World Heritage selection criterion (vi) |