Heritage with Related Tags
Galápagos Islands
Located in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers from mainland South America, these 19 islands and surrounding marine reserve have been described as a unique "living museum and showcase of evolution." Located at the confluence of three ocean currents, the Galapagos Islands are a "melting pot" of marine species. Continuous earthquake and volcanic activity reflects the processes that formed the islands. These processes, combined with the islands' extreme isolation, have led to the emergence of unusual animal life—such as land iguanas, giant tortoises and many species of finches—which inspired Charles Darwin to propose his theory of evolution by natural selection after his visit in 1835.
Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape
The stunning natural landscape of the Salzkammergut has been the site of human activity since prehistoric times, with salt being mined as early as 2000 BC. This resource formed the basis of the region's prosperity until the mid-20th century, and the town of Hallstatt's fine architecture reflects this prosperity.