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Archipiélago de Revillagigedo
Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, this archipelago consists of four remote islands and their surrounding waters: San Benedicto, Socorro, Roca Partida and Clarion. The archipelago is part of an underwater mountain range, with the four islands representing volcanic peaks above sea level. The islands provide important habitat for a variety of wildlife, especially seabirds. The surrounding waters are home to large pelagic species such as manta rays, whales, dolphins and sharks.
Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d'Alliance in Nancy
Nancy, the temporary residence of a king without a kingdom – Stanislas Leszczynski, later Duke of Lorraine – is paradoxically the oldest and most typical example of a modern capital, an enlightened monarch sensitive to the needs of the public. It is a carefully designed building, built between 1752 and 1756 by a talented team led by the architect Héré, that not only enhanced the monarch’s prestige, but was also extremely practical.