Heritage with Related Tags
City of Quito
Quito, the capital of Ecuador, was founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an ancient Inca city, 2,850 meters above sea level. Despite an earthquake in 1917, the city is the best-preserved and least historic city in Latin America. The Convents of San Francisco and Santo Domingo, as well as the Church of La Compañía and the Jesuit College, have magnificent interiors and are pure examples of the "Quito Baroque", a blend of Spanish, Italian, Moorish, Flemish and indigenous styles. Art.
Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl
These 14 monasteries are located on the slopes of Popocatepetl Hill, southeast of Mexico City. Well preserved, they are examples of the architectural style adopted by the first missionaries (Franciscans, Dominicans and Augustinians) who converted the local population to Christianity in the early 16th century. They also represent a new architectural philosophy in which open spaces regained importance. The influence of this style spread throughout the Mexican territory and even beyond its borders.