Heritage with Related Tags
Rock Art in the Hail Region of Saudi Arabia
The property consists of two parts located in the desert landscape: Mount Umm Sinman in Juba and Mount Manyur and Mount Rat in Shuwaymis. There was once a lake at the foot of Mount Umm Sinman, now disappeared, which was a source of fresh water for people and animals in the southern part of the great Narfud Desert. The ancestors of today's Arabs left numerous petroglyphs and inscriptions on the rock faces, leaving traces of their passage. Mount Manyur and Mount Rat form rocky cliffs of a river valley, now covered by sand. They display countless human and animal images covering 10,000 years of history.
Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Located in western Uganda, the Rwenzori Mountains National Park covers nearly 100,000 hectares and is the main part of the Rwenzori Mountains, which includes Africa's third highest peak (Mount Margarita: 5,109 meters). The glaciers, waterfalls and lakes in the area make it one of the most beautiful alpine areas in Africa. The park contains natural habitats for many endangered species and rich and exotic flora, including species such as giant heather.
Monastery of Geghard and the Upper Azat Valley
The Geghard Monastery contains several churches and mausoleums, most of which are carved into the rock, and is the pinnacle of Armenian medieval architecture. The medieval complex is located in a scenic natural landscape, surrounded by towering cliffs at the entrance to the Azat Valley.