Heritage with Related Tags
Gamzigrad-Romuliana, Palace of Galerius
The Palace of Galerius in eastern Serbia is a fortified palace complex and monumental complex of the late Roman period, built by Emperor Caius Valerius Galerius Maximianus in the late 3rd and early 4th centuries. It was called Felix Romuliana, named after the emperor's mother. The site includes fortifications, a palace in the northwest of the complex, a basilica, a temple, a thermal bath, a monumental complex and a tetrapylon. The uniqueness of the complex lies in its intertwined monumental functions of ceremonial and religious architecture.
Archipiélago de Revillagigedo
Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, this archipelago consists of four remote islands and their surrounding waters: San Benedicto, Socorro, Roca Partida and Clarion. The archipelago is part of an underwater mountain range, with the four islands representing volcanic peaks above sea level. The islands provide important habitat for a variety of wildlife, especially seabirds. The surrounding waters are home to large pelagic species such as manta rays, whales, dolphins and sharks.