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Þingvellir National Park

Thingvellir National Park is a national park and the site of the Icelandic Parliament (Althing), an open-air parliament representing the entire Icelandic people, which was established in 930 and lasted until 1798. For two weeks each year, the Parliament made laws (which were seen as contracts between free men) and resolved disputes. The Parliament has a deep historical and symbolic meaning for the Icelandic people. The heritage site includes the remains of Thingvellir National Park and the Parliament itself: fragments of about 50 stalls built of turf and stone. Remains from the 10th century are believed to be buried in the ground. The site also includes remains of agricultural use from the 18th and 19th centuries. The park shows how the land was cultivated for over 1,000 years.

Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Memorial

<p>The Nelson Mandela Sites of Commemoration represent a treasure trove of South Africa’s struggle for human rights, liberation and reconciliation. The collection consists of 14 sites across the country that tell the story of South Africa’s 20th century political history. They include: the Union Buildings (Pretoria), the current seat of government; the Sharpeville site, commemorating the 69 citizens massacred in protest against the unjust Pass Laws; and the Great Place in Mqhekezweni, where Mandela lived as a young man and symbolizes the spirit of traditional leadership. These sites reflect key events in the long struggle against apartheid, Mandela’s influence in promoting understanding and forgiveness, and belief systems based on philosophies such as non-racialism, Pan-Africanism and Ubuntu. The Ubuntu philosophy holds that humanity is not limited to individuals. </p>