Oral folk tales in Manchu from Sanjiazi, Fuyu County
Sanjiazi Manchu Oral Folk Tales Project in Fuyu County Batch: Provincial 4th Batch Project Protection Unit: Fuyu County Cultural Center Representative Inheritor: Meng Shujing Sanjiazi Village, called "Yilan Botukso" in Manchu, was named after the three major Manchu surnames Ji, Meng, and Tao who first lived there. It is the only village in the world that retains spoken Manchu. To this day, the stories passed down by ancestors in the past are still passed down and told orally in Manchu, such as the origin of the Manchus' Solon pole, Manchu myths and legends and the worship of crows and magpies, Laoyaotan, yellow dogs, big blue horses, and ancestor worship of Madam Lihua. Among them, the most familiar is the origin of the Manchu people's "not eating dog meat, not wearing dog-skin hats, and not raising crows". (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.) (No pictures yet, welcome to provide.)